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Happy luna year 全館『登入會員』滿$799免運


1. 依照「消費者保護法」規定,網購消費者可享有到貨日(等同簽收日)起七天鑑賞期之權益。鑑賞期係供您參考、觀賞、品鑑比較,但不可拆封使用。鑑賞期間如欲退貨運費自付並敬請保持原包裝商品的完整,切勿缺漏任何配件或損毀原廠外盒。逾鑑賞期,恕不接受退貨。

2. 收到商品後如發現有瑕疵或破損或是配件短缺的狀況,需要辦理退貨,請於到貨後5天內致電客服或私訊官方粉絲團,並留下訂單號碼、聯絡方式,我們將盡速為您處理。收到瑕疵品或商品錯誤,退貨免運

3. 本網站僅提供退貨,無換貨服務,若您收到商品後有任何不合意之處,請勿拆開使用,請於鑑賞期內聯繫我們並依照退貨規定辦理退。

4. 退貨請遵守以下規範,以免影響您的退貨權益:



5. 退貨流程約7-10天(不含例假日),客服中心收貨並確認商品狀況後將會退還購物商品金額(不含運費、匯費)

6. 如有辦理退款或取消訂單情形時,本公司得代為處理發票或折讓單等相關公務機關法令所要求之單據。

7. 若有以下情形,依統一發票使用辦法規定,發票經開立,買方統一編號不得任意更改或應買方要求改開其他營利事業及統一編號:



Return Policy

Returned products must be packaged in good condition with complete accessories, and the packaging must be kept intact without any damage and returned together. If damaged, returns will not be accepted.When returning the products, please return the purchased invoice and the products (including event gifts, full-value gifts, free samples and other accessories in the box caused by this purchase) together; if not, returns will not be accepted.

The return process within 7-10 days(excluding holidays). After receiving the products and confirming the condition of the products, the customer service center will refund the amount of the purchased products (excluding shipping and remittance fees).

We are always here to help, if you have questions, please email to shrd.service@gmail.com , call or line our customer service @shrdtw.

The Management reserves the right to amendits terms and conditions without prior notice.

客服電話  :  07-2240011


AM/09:30-PM/12:00 & PM/01:30-PM/05:00